The cross-point™ Collection

I have often been asked how cross-point came about. A detailed history can be found on my blog at While researching patterns for the collection, I spent many hours at the New York Museum of Art fabric research library as well as at the Textile Museum in Washington, DC. I fell in love with the visual splendor of stitched works from faraway places in our great big visual world.
Cross-point™ has been referred to as “delightful, absorbing, addictive, therapeutic, elegant, relaxing, easy, and fast. Please take a moment to review Customer Comments as well as the four videos that have been added on Youtube. The first video was Kristina stitching the PISAC pattern. Additional videos are Reviewing the contents of your cross-point™ kit, Before you start stitching with cross-point™, and cross-point™ stitching Technique.
A few words about the cross-point™ TechniqueWhat is cross-point™?
~ The basic stitch is the familiar (or, if you haven't stitched before, easy-to-learn) cross-stitch, worked in wool with 100% background coverage. The tapestry wool from France is 100% pure virgin non-divisible wool that is mothproof and colorfast. The end result looks like needlepoint, but with a good deal more texture.
~ Rather than stiff canvas, we use a natural jute fabric that is less rigid. The thread count is 6-7 stitches per inch.
~ Cross-point™ does not rack or distort the fabric; therefore, no hoop, frame, or blocking is ever required, making it possible to take the work with you wherever you go.
~ Patterns are stitched by counting. Clear instructions and large charts, printed in both symbol and color, accompany each kit. With few exceptions, patterns are designed so that elements repeat, over and over, thus reducing time spent counting. While patterns are not preprinted on the fabric, even a complete beginner can learn my cross-point™ technique in two hours.
~ Patterns are classified as "X" (experienced) when they require more attention to counting, or "E" (easy) for beginners. The majority of our patterns are unclassified and can be stitched by anyone with a little bit of practice.
You also have the option for custom colors for pillows, rugs, runners, throws, and custom upholstery. For more information on custom orders, please visit the Custom Services page.
KIT CONTENTS: EACH CROSS-POINT™ KIT INCLUDES:~ Large chart that are easy to read, using symbols backed by color. Instructions for each individual pattern
~ Tapestry wool, numbers with corresponding symbols on the chart pages, in full color, 2 size 18 tapestry needles
~handmade jute fabric cut to correct size
~ The cross-point™ Technique sheets, explaining my method in detail. It also includes drawings of basic cross stitches for beginners.
~Finishing instructions for making up pillows or rugs.
~ At cross-point™ we take pride in supplying natural materials with all our kits. Every kit includes 15% more wool than we used in our stitched samples.
~ Please note: kits do not include backing fabric, trim, zipper, or pillow form
No other kit can compare to cross-point™. To stitch your heirloom master piece, I supply not only large charts in color and symbol, our new wonderful jute fabric and a generous supply of the best tapestry wool available, and separate instructions for every single pattern. Included are four pages of my cross-point™ Technique, illustrating easy to follow diagrams of stitches for beginners. Many confirmed needlepoint stitchers have told me that I deliver one of best kits on the market! Every kit has everything you need, from start to finish, except the backing and trim materials because I feel those are highly personal choices.
Best of all, you can do cross-point™ just about anywhere. Since you are not using a frame or hoop - the jute fabric is easily folded or rolled, the charts are large and easy to read, the color palate is limited in most patterns – you can stitch while on the phone, watching television, sitting in waiting rooms or by someone’s bedside or on an airplane, in short, anytime you are not doing something else with your hands. My patterns are designed so that elements repeat over and over. Even a complete beginner can learn my technique in two hours! Stitching on an unpainted canvas in rhythmic fashion has a meditative quality, counting stitches uses the brain (very important as you get older) and filling in colors allows time for thoughts. Most of all, I hope that you will discover, as many have, that cross-point™ is the fast, fun and easy way to stitch and fair warning!'s addictive….</p>
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our online Catalog and Store. I know you will enjoy this new way of stitching as much as I, and so many others, do. Please visit the Customers Comments page to see what others have to say about cross-point™.
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